Transfigured night

This is an evening that sparks the imagination to its fullest!

It starts off with Prokofievs' sextet written in 1919 during his time in the United States. Commissioned by the Zimro Ensemble led by a clarinettist, it highlights many dialogues between the violin and clarinet, bringing this piece with a rather unusual instrumentation and highly folkloric quality to life. Schubert composed his Fantasie for four hands during the last year of his life, in 1928. It is a piece that shifts from minor to major, showing a contrast of dark and light, sadness and happiness. It is considered one of his most important piano works. Published after his death, it was dedicated to his favorite student, Karoline Esterhazy.

A special rendition will be given of Schoenberg's Transfigured Night. The piece is based on the poem with the same name by the renowned German poet Richard Dehmel and invokes powerful and big- as well as very subtle and nuanced emotions. In a masterful way, Schoenberg brings about this wide range of expressions through music. Tonights' rendition will be in in piano trio form, arranged by E.Steuermann and will add yet another artform: Photographer & Videographer Alexandros Petrakis created especially for tonights' concert visuals inspired by both poem and music, that show a fantastical scenery from around the Island of Syros supported by wonderful dancer Elpida Rossolatou in a most magical way.


Cat 1

Best seats. Front rows in the center of the parterre and front boxes

78 seats

50 €

Cat 2

First rows from the side and centre of the parterre. Second rows of front boxes.

50 seats

30 €

Cat 3

Parterre back and boxes with good visibility.

54 seats

20 €

Cat 4

Economy seats, first and second side boxes.

36 seats

15 €

Cat 5

Economy tickets, limited visibility.

50 seats

5 €



  • Allegro molto moderato
  • Largo
  • Scherzo, Allegro vivace - Con delicatezza
  • Finale, Allegro molto moderato